mardi 24 mai 2011

SELF-GROWTH People are like rubber bands

The common denominator in Personal Growth, these days, is stretch, stretch, stretch!  Well, here we will look at the stretch factor in details.

As you go through life, crucial events will sometimes have you stretch and snap.  Then, it will take you months, sometimes years to mend and heal.  In some instances, the damage will be so ravaging that the person will never take a chance again, unless he/she take steps to overcome the damage done by breaking the silence and seeking help.

Take the instance of someone being battered to pulp until there is no courage, no spark left.  If the person survives, he/he may become overly cautious, avoiding any possibility of facing this ordeal again, yet sabotaging any possibility of pursuing challenging, explorative projects or relationship by fear of sustaining further injury.  Another will shy away from relationships and intimacy after a brutally hurtful separation.

Life’s experiences may provide positive growth when they are not massively extreme and damageable, otherwise they may well hamper your natural self-growth process leaving you with the bitter experience, as a solid barrier, stopping you from progressing. 

When you have encountered what can be called, the habitual life experiences, with its regular ups and down, your self-growth will progress at a regular pace.  Nevertheless, some trying occurrences will test you regularly.  You will encounter adversity.  We all do.

As we live on, some individuals will feel the pressing need to evolve more rapidly, depending on their character and personality.  They will pursue acquisition knowledge acquisition arduously, contemplate, choose a variety of reading to extend their cultural exposure, deepen personal interests, widen their critical skills by reflecting on present and past controversial issues, seek out visionary authors to challenge their wit and spirit.  These will demark themselves.  They will stretch the band to its maximum sooner, taking the time to integrate their newly acquired knowledge and experience.

Others will respond to shocking event with savage pursuits, challenging life’s every situation.  Some of these may not survive it.  In those that do, their extreme life style may be shortened or hampered by some harsh incident.

Most will have more intense experience in their youth, followed by moments of calm routine as a family is started and grows.  Some engage in self-growth at a more mature age when the emptiness of the nest presents a void that needs to be filled.

The important thing is to remember that you are like a rubber band!  Respect yourself, pursue what you wish, how you wish, and seek help when needed.  In this way, you will enrich your inner self and live a fulfilling life!

Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally, Mentor
Licensed Certified EI Coach
Compassion Fatigue Specialist

mercredi 18 mai 2011

PUNCTUALITY An act of precision

Have you ever had a friend or colleague that is systematically late?  Have you felt the irritation of waiting?  Have you wondered if it is was a form of disrespect?

If you’re the one that’s always late, you might even think as you are reading this:  < Come on! People know that I’m like that!  Big deal!  No offense meant, here!>

Well, think of it a minute.  If you can’t be precise enough to tell time when clocks and watches exists are up and running all the time, how can anyone be sure that this lack of consideration and precision will not be transferred to all you do.

How can anyone be sure that you’ll follow instructions carefully, with precision and accuracy?  How can anyone depend on you?  There is a good chance that opportunities will bypass you and that you’ll wonder why!

In business, orders need to be sent on time, meetings attended ON TIME, tasks done according to a certain schedule.  People lacking punctuality will be put aside when positions requiring a strong sense of responsibility are posted.

It is a shame to see intelligent, competent individuals set aside because they can’t seem to tell time!  When promotion time comes, they are generally dismissed.  The annoyance of constantly wondering when they’ll show up generally overthrows their worthiness, especially in presence of a punctual competition of the same caliber.

As an employer or supervisor, you may wish to bring your employees to see the importance of punctuality.  Some may resort to docking pay as a punch indicates the precise time.  Others, in offices or retail sales, need to address this problem differently. 

Systematic evaluations will bring out the issue.  Then, persuading the individual to arrive on time and be ready to work, on the floor may be more difficult.  Having numerous examples to address the disadvantages of diminished time available, the impact that it has on the personnel who is burdened by your absence and the poor reflection it has on the staff when there is chronic disrespect of punctuality.

Having spontaneous recognition for those who are on time and perform well will enhance their steadfast performance and enforce a sound model for others to follow. 

 Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally, Mentor
Licensed Certified EI Coach

lundi 9 mai 2011

ANGER Managing its outburst!

Once I was walking outside on a beautiful sunny day, I had stopped to chat with my horses and was walking towards the open field, when my dog came charging joyfully.  It felt precisely like a locomotive ramming into my legs at full speed, sending me flying up in the air. 

Landing on my back, banging my head, I screamed <You stupid, stupid, stupid dog>, as the pain shot through my back and stars swirled around my head.

Puppy, realizing he had gotten me stirred-up, came to nuzzle my face.  I was in no mood for his cajoling!  I would have vaporized him on that very moment!  Feeling it, I guess, he circled me quietly, his big yellow eyes full of worry.

As the pain eased, I saw the blue sky with small, white, fluffy clouds.  The sun was shining brightly! 

Flashbacks of Puppy’s arrival made me ponder.  A few years ago, he had been abandoned near my home.  My sleigh dogs, residue from my Northern endeavors, had attracted him, I guess.  A good 90 pound husky, he blended in perfectly.  After trying to track down his provenance without success, we adopted him.  Through the years, no one had ever claimed him.  He now had outlived all the others.  Still at his full strength and beauty, he guarded the house well.

He must have been a sleigh dog because the only thing he knew how to do was to pull.  Not particularly swift, it had taken him 2 years to learn how to sit when told.  Yes, he is a little dense!  Nevertheless, in his eyes, you can see that he really wants to please you and listens attentively, especially if you have a treat in your hands.  If screamed at, he cowards down pitifully but as soon as the threat has passed, he runs and jumps joyfully again!  There isn’t a mean bone in his body!

As I still lay in the field, I realized that the pain was gone along with the momentary anger.  Moving limb after limb, I also became aware that no harm was done per se.

Puppy now lay beside me, his big yellow eyes full of love and wonder.  I held out a hand and spoke to him gently, explaining how dangerous this could have been.  He listened then came to nuzzle me again.  Forgiven?  Yes, he was.  He was around 7 years old then.  Now, at the age of 11 or so, he is calm when I walk with him and stays respectfully away from my legs.

Well, on that moment, I came to believe that it was better to reflect on the good memories, and then to ponder, before responding to whom or to what provoked the spontaneous anger.   
So here’s my little remedy:

Step 1                        Assess the situation.
Step 2                        Find positive thoughts or memories to calm your ire.
Step 3             Have an inner-dialogue to see advantages and disadvantages at showing your fury at this very moment.
Step 4             Respond calmly, putting off any discussion to later.
Step 5             Establish counter-measures to avoid this from happening again.

My counter-measure was to NEVER call Puppy when he was at more than 15 feet without having my eyes on him to see if his trajectory was in alignment to intercept my stride and tackle me!

Take the time to identify your appropriate counter-measure and keep it handy so that you may resort to it anytime when it’s needed.

Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally, Mentor

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lundi 2 mai 2011

Spring BONUS Wellness Coaching for Kayakers

<So affordable you can’t miss out !  Call now ! >

            Spring Special  BONUS pre-season training

Wellness Coaching thru a sport  (description below)

The benefits of  this program:

Gearing into the zone slowly with your trainer. 
Getting those rusty muscles back in shape for a better seasonal performance..
Meeting kayaking buddies.
Sharing moments of pure joy with passionate paddlers.

      Spring Special  pre-season training

Feel alive! Feel the magical touch of joy!
      Spring is here!
Plus, it’s a total body make-over!
Your abs perks up, your arms become lean, cut and muscular, your energy level shoots-up, and you get all giddy just having the paddle back in your hands. In  the end, you feel confident and energetic for the new season!

PROGRAM description:

What you get on the phone or in person:
Dynamic Wellness Coaching Pep talks!
Tips on gear, safety habits, weather monitoring
Follow-up on progress
Tips on energy foods and nutrition

PROGRAM details per week:

Once:       Saturdays 2 hours  departure: 9 a.m.
Twice:      Monday and Wednesday  (1 hour each)
Twice:      Monday and Friday (1 hour each)
Twice:      Wednesday and Friday (1 hour each)
Any combination of the above days  to fill your 8 hour block.  Evenings  departure 6:00 p.m.

Early Bird or Intensive: 
Complete the program in 2 weeks instead of four.
Mondays , Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
(Perk:  a two hour outing on the second Saturday.)

Which of  these programs fits me?

Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally, Mentor

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