lundi 26 septembre 2011


Final article of this serie for Teachers ONLY 
They need to know you genuinely care.  So hear their concerns; Tune into their feelings; Show you really care with your actions.

They need to know you walk your talk meaning if you say it, you do it.

They need a daily dose of HOPE and HUMOUR.  I know you have it in you!  Try anecdotes and laugh with them.  They’ll love it and connect.

They need to see flexibility.  HOW?  Say things like <Your way or My way>, whichever gets you to the goal.  Just make sure you do everything.

They need to see open-mindedness.  HOW?  Say things like < Your ideas are probably as good as mine>.  If I have any qualms or any objections, I’ll explain why this cannot be done in this particular case.

They need to see real attentiveness.  HOW?  Say things like < I’ll listen to you, hear you out, weigh your suggested alternatives and I’ll get back to you.  AND let them vent individually when necessary.

Warning! Sometimes, they need to vent in group.  If so, bring in a neutral observer as a witness.  When too many students are disgruntled in a group, the atmosphere can become poisonous and explosive.

If you have a chaotic group situation, you need one or two observers and a facilitator so that things stay CLEAR and CALM.  This way, they can vent but so can the teacher.  In the end, both, the teacher and the students can reach an

agreement.   When it’s done well and both parties commit to improve or change , they can move ahead positively.

Mediation is always an excellent option to explore!  Read all you can on Mediation.  Get training in it if you can.  It will be the most useful tool you’ll ever invest in as a Teacher! 

Little Wisdoms

  1. Impose only when you have exhausted all other alternatives.  Then do it well!
  2. Start with choices, alternatives, and LITTLE freedoms.
  3. When interrupting their work or discussions, do it with respect.  Preferably with ways agreed upon together beforehand, and gently stating WHY first, then explain whatever you need to.
  4. State expectations clearly.
  5. Give models for better understanding.
  6. Give examples of evaluation grids with clear guidelines.
  7. Negotiate alternatives to obtain commitment.
  8. Manage the behavior, both yours and theirs!
  9. Be genuine, authentic and natural.  Students see right through you!

When Teachers or School Boards hire me to give a workshop on Classroom and Behavior Management, it is a pleasure for me to share my documents and to ease the way, so that the Teachers may create their own.   It is so very important to have TRANSPARENCY when you teach. 

I put my 30 years of experience in this field at your disposition and offer support and follow-up by email as well as by phone.

Have a nice week.  Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally
Mentor & Licensed Certified EI Coach

For details on my books:

Comment on my Blog:

lundi 19 septembre 2011

FIVE Steps to Learning!


What do students need to know to want to learn?

  1. First, they need to know WHY?

  1. Then, WHAT it will give them.  In order words, HOW will it BENEFIT them?
  2. This is usually related to careers, jobs, MONEY, GRADES.

  1. Followed by, WHAT TIME INVESTMENT they will need, so HOW LONG will it take?

  1. Ultimately, will they ever use it again, so WHEN will it be useful?

Your greatest success will come in presenting everything as an OPPORTUNITY!

Should you have the drive to have a fulfilling career in Teaching, then brace yourself!  You will need to reflect on the above question in order to present any content with creativity and spice.  The more you can link it to their present life NOW, the better they will learn.  BASICALLY, you need to inject the curiosity, trigger the motivation by depicting a palpable reality that will be attractive enough to promote good will and determination.

When you succeed, THEY will glow with Pride and so will YOU!

Have a nice week.  Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally
Mentor & Licensed Certified EI Coach

For details on my books:

Comment on my Blog:

lundi 12 septembre 2011



1.    PERSEVERANCE:  Happily coax students to stick to it to the end.  They need to be encouraged.

2.    CONSISTENCY:  Be consequential.  Walk your talk!

3.    PATIENCE:  Respect the learning rhythm whether it is fast or slow.   Have flexibility needed for this to happen.  Allow a choice of constructive items to do while others complete the task at hand.

4.    CREATIVITY:  Let novelty be derived from their creativity and suggestions.

5.    DECISION MAKING:  Present what needs to be learnt in a global manner and let them decide on the ways to do that.  Your opinion counts as well.  Present your options for learning tasks as well.  Present the resources and media available.  What they decide upon, they must commit to pursue until the learning is completed.

6.    BE POSITIVE, HAPPY AND ENTHUSIASTIC with the individuals in your classes. 

7.    HOPE:  Remember <Miracles happen everyday>.   Just provide the environment and resources to facilitate this.

8.    MOTIVATION:  Set the stage for motivation to take place and let passion trigger it!

9.    RESILIENCE:  Explain, explain, and explain what Solidarity, Respect, Compassion and Commitment mean.

LEADERSHIP:  Let your Leadership be firm, open and kind.           Yet assert yourself as the leader in subtle ways.