lundi 30 janvier 2012

HEALTH Public Awareness is a global responsibility

It is unthinkable that someone exposes others to a debilitating disease simply because they feel it concerns no one that they are sick.   Fear of being discarded may lie beneath such attitude.   Even worse are those who refuse treatment and propagate illness without the least remorse.

Presently, people travel the world freely.  In some countries, some illnesses have been eradicated.  Unfortunately, when traveling, you may become exposed and contract one of these, never doubting that you have, until symptoms become evident.  Sometimes, you may be misdiagnosed because, in your country, this illness no longer exists or even worse, has never existed!

Educated awareness and cautiousness are essential to prevent outbreaks.  It is imperative that you be well-informed, take preventive measures and notify your medical advisor of the countries you have visited before your symptoms occurred. 

When convinced that there is no need and that you are just fine, you may resist any testing.  When diagnosed, you may resist treatment.  If against vaccination, you may shun upon being protected in this way, considering the possible effects a greater risk than the vaccine protection’s benefits. 

Now that many diseases are curable, hearsay may down-play the danger of contracting such illnesses.   It is often when many are ill that care posters, advertising the dangers to all those at risk, are promptly posted.   Do consult a specialized practitioner when in doubt!  Ask for a second opinion if necessary when symptoms persist.  When a diagnosis has been confirmed, do follow instructions carefully, treat yourself well and take the necessary measures to protect those around you.

Your immediate entourage trusts you.  Even is you are feeling guilty for contracting a disease, it is your responsibility to inform those around you so they can protect themselves adequately.  You will be respected for having the courage to let them know promptly so they can seek council as well.

A global social conscience needs to exist in everyone.  It is our world.  We need to inform, educate and protect our people.

Have a nice week.  Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally
Mentor & Licensed Certified EI Coach, Certified Traumatologist

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lundi 23 janvier 2012

HEALTH Public Awareness is a global responsibility

It is unthinkable that someone exposes others to a debilitating disease simply because they feel it concerns no one that they are sick.   Fear of being discarded may lie beneath such attitude.   Even worse are those who refuse treatment and propagate illness without the least remorse.

Presently, people travel the world freely.  In some countries, some illnesses have been eradicated.  Unfortunately, when traveling, you may become exposed and contract one of these, never doubting that you have, until symptoms become evident.  Sometimes, you may be misdiagnosed because, in your country, this illness no longer exists or even worse, has never existed!

Educated awareness and cautiousness are essential to prevent outbreaks.  It is imperative that you be well-informed, take preventive measures and notify your medical advisor of the countries you have visited before your symptoms occurred. 

When convinced that there is no need and that you are just fine, you may resist any testing.  When diagnosed, you may resist treatment.  If against vaccination, you may shun upon being protected in this way, considering the possible effects a greater risk than the vaccine protection’s benefits. 

Now that many diseases are curable, hearsay may down-play the danger of contracting such illnesses.   It is often when many are ill that care posters, advertising the dangers to all those at risk, are promptly posted.   Do consult a specialized practitioner when in doubt!  Ask for a second opinion if necessary when symptoms persist.  When a diagnosis has been confirmed, do follow instructions carefully, treat yourself well and take the necessary measures to protect those around you.

Your immediate entourage trusts you.  Even is you are feeling guilty for contracting a disease, it is your responsibility to inform those around you so they can protect themselves adequately.  You will be respected for having the courage to let them know promptly so they can seek council as well.

A global social conscience needs to exist in everyone.  It is our world.  We need to inform, educate and protect our people.

mardi 17 janvier 2012

Self-Assessment Are you at the top of your game?

Your Emotional Intelligence skills are recognized.  Your Leadership, team work, perseverance, performance and resilience are well-known.   Your cognitive intelligence has been proven.  Your analytical skills and capacity to rationalize has proven useful in emotionally loaded circumstances.  You know yourself well and self-assess regularly to make sure you’re well and on track.  You’re self-confident and poised.  Your reliability is undeniable.  You strategize and prioritize well.  You know your limits well.  You know when to stop and change orientation.

When opportunities arise, you size up the advantages and disadvantages rapidly and are capable of making a definitive decision after careful yet rapid consideration.  Your frame of reference, updated regularly, has been enriched by readings, research and seminars.  You are well equipped to cope.  Professionally, you are at the top of your field.

You are well-rounded socially.  Your communication skills allow an easy interaction at all levels.  You know how to seek out the appropriate support.  When dealing with staff, you empathize easily and suggest alternatives for problem solving smoothly.  You are pleasant and firm. 

Your <joie de vivre> is felt by those who surround you.  Your encouraging smile goes a long way and you know it.  You are well-respected for who and what you are. 

There is equilibrium in your personal life as well.  You know how to balance all the facets of your life.   Your spirituality is based on strong values such as integrity, loyalty and compassion.  You monitor your health by being attentive to your body’s needs to eat well, sleep well and exercise.

Your companionship is fulfilling and respectful.  You feel loved and reciprocate in kind.  As a parent, you model well.  You know the importance of respecting differences.  You feel content with your life.  Financially, you are secure.  You may dwell in contentment with family and friends surrounding you.

Well then, what’s next?

Some seek to maintain their quality of life; others may turn to new challenges.  Still, others may realize that there is still work to do... 

Should there be some areas that you think need improvement, you may start an outline so that, during this year, you already have pointers as to what you plan to improve.  Month after month, you may reassess so as to reach you goals.  A lifetime of improvement can only benefit you.  Take one step at the time and move towards your next challenge!
Have a nice week.  Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally
Mentor & Licensed Certified EI Coach

For details on my books:

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mardi 10 janvier 2012

SUCCESS One of Its key elements

Making yourself a success can take unimaginable proportions.  The nitty-gritty of it lies in developing your inner skills to the utmost of your possibilities.  Everyone’s potential is immense.  Not many tap into its fountain of wealth.  Can it be measured?

From your point of reference, yes!  Each little success builds to a larger one.  Success, in itself, changes face as you change individuals.  For one, it can be a well remunerated job; for another, secure employment will top off financial benefits.  The Ace sought out will vary greatly.  However, one thing is certain.   Your capability of solving problems of any kind prepares you for Success.

When you look at your life, it is your decision and only yours that can label anything a success.  Minute positive outcomes can be huge successes.  Your capacity to take the reigns solidly in your hands in a decisive manner will determine the outcome. 

Confusion occurs when we mix others’ values and perspectives to measure our own accomplishments.  Others’ expectations may weigh heavily within the parameters of successfully accomplishing anything.  This can, in turn, become a crushing experience, rendering you bitter, empty and longing for approval.

There is only one guarantee of never being disappointed in your strive for success will have.  It is for yourself to set the bar with that label.  You are a builder.  Strengthening your mind, body, heart and soul will enable you to reach your goal.  Within a huge success, there may be thousands of tiny increments which really need to be celebrated as such along the way.

These exist within all elements, all tasks accomplished.

I’ve often been asked why I use the words < NIFTY outcome celebration> as the last phase of any goal sought.  Well, if you read this tiny word and go back to when you first heard it, probably as a child, you’ll feel the uplifting light joy linked to something special which had been labeled as <NIFTY>.

It’s simple yet so fulfilling; it makes you smile; it also reflects the unexpected almost spectacular connection linked to the accomplishment.  It’s so joyfully mobile that it could almost propel you to reach your next goal gleefully.

It’s particular, unique, standing alone in the ore of Success belonging only to you.  It is linked to a pleasurable little feeling of having conquered the world, your world.  And, it is with this tinkling feeling of self-accomplishment that you are energized for your next pursuit.

So will you take the time to feel your every success, to tap yourself on the shoulder and let yourself be transformed by this moment of achievement?

I sure hope so!  It is the key to contentment and self-satisfaction that brings you to want to experience more Success!  It is the beginning of your ever ending route to self-accomplishment!

Making yourself a success can take unimaginable proportions.  The nitty-gritty of it lies in developing your inner skills to the utmost of your possibilities.  Everyone’s potential is immense.  Not many tap into its fountain of wealth.  Can it be measured?

From your point of reference, yes!  Each little success builds to a larger one.  Success, in itself, changes face as you change individuals.  For one, it can be a well remunerated job; for another, secure employment will top off financial benefits.  The Ace sought out will vary greatly.  However, one thing is certain.   Your capability of solving problems of any kind prepares you for Success.

When you look at your life, it is your decision and only yours that can label anything a success.  Minute positive outcomes can be huge successes.  Your capacity to take the reigns solidly in your hands in a decisive manner will determine the outcome. 

Confusion occurs when we mix others’ values and perspectives to measure our own accomplishments.  Others’ expectations may weigh heavily within the parameters of successfully accomplishing anything.  This can, in turn, become a crushing experience, rendering you bitter, empty and longing for approval.

There is only one guarantee of never being disappointed in your strive for success will have.  It is for yourself to set the bar with that label.  You are a builder.  Strengthening your mind, body, heart and soul will enable you to reach your goal.  Within a huge success, there may be thousands of tiny increments which really need to be celebrated as such along the way.

These exist within all elements, all tasks accomplished.

I’ve often been asked why I use the words < NIFTY outcome celebration> as the last phase of any goal sought.  Well, if you read this tiny word and go back to when you first heard it, probably as a child, you’ll feel the uplifting light joy linked to something special which had been labeled as <NIFTY>.

It’s simple yet so fulfilling; it makes you smile; it also reflects the unexpected almost spectacular connection linked to the accomplishment.  It’s so joyfully mobile that it could almost propel you to reach your next goal gleefully.

It’s particular, unique, standing alone in the ore of Success belonging only to you.  It is linked to a pleasurable little feeling of having conquered the world, your world.  And, it is with this tinkling feeling of self-accomplishment that you are energized for your next pursuit.

So will you take the time to feel your every success, to tap yourself on the shoulder and let yourself be transformed by this moment of achievement?

I sure hope so!  It is the key to contentment and self-satisfaction that brings you to want to experience more Success!  It is the beginning of your ever ending route to self-accomplishment!

Have a nice week.  Happy Trails,

Elizabeth McNally
Mentor & Licensed Certified EI Coach

For details on my books:

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